Category: Health

Superbugs could kill a person every three seconds by 2050 — Reports

A failure to tackle antimicrobial resistance would put 10 million lives at risk each year by 2050—that’s one person every three seconds.Antibiotics underpin modern medicine. They’re essential for vital medical procedures and treatments for humans and animals. But antibiotics have slowly been losing their effectiveness because of their overuse and misuse. Continue reading “Superbugs could kill a person every three seconds by 2050 — Reports”

The Best Thing to Eat Before and After Your Workout

Whether you’re eating for endurance or snacking for strength training, it’s not always clear what is best to put into your body. Moreover, “what’s healthy on a regular basis is not necessarily a good choice for the race course, or even for a workout,” explains Barbara Lewin, RD, a sports nutritionist who works with professional athletes. No need to worry: Follow these expert guidelines on how to build and time snacks and you’ll power through with high-octane energy. Continue reading “The Best Thing to Eat Before and After Your Workout”

How Mushrooms Could Treat Depression

Treating depression is a major challenge, since among the millions of people affected worldwide, only one in five tends to respond well to antidepressants. And for many people who are eventually helped by drugs, it can take months, even years of cycling through the various medications to find the one that works best. In the mean time, their depression persists, and sometimes worsens. Continue reading “How Mushrooms Could Treat Depression”

30% of Female Doctors Have Been Sexually Harassed-Reports

Sexual discrimination and harassment in medicine and science is an all-too common occurrence, as evidenced by recent news stories of men in positions of power making unwanted sexual advances toward young doctors, and scientific journal reviewers requesting men be added to an all-female team of researchers. Now, a new study is putting numbers to the issue, finds that 30% of successful female doctors say they’ve been sexually harassed. Continue reading “30% of Female Doctors Have Been Sexually Harassed-Reports”

Your hair style may cause hair loss – Study

Your hair style may cause hair loss – Study

Your hair style may cause hair loss – StudyCertain hair styles may cause hair loss a new research has suggested.19 studies which were reviewed by a team of researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, found a relationship between scalp-pulling hair styles and gradual hair loss (traction alopecia). Continue reading “Your hair style may cause hair loss – Study”